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Enigmatic Journal by Yoeman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Social media as the engine of revolution

The concept of social media started when humans begin to communicate. They express their ideas in cave paintings and ancient stone scripts.

The Plight of Modern Family; Gender Equality and contemporary changes

The human society is comprised of men and women. The society has given specific roles based on the gender which has now changed dramatically.

Sri Lankan Education System Needs an Overhaul

Education is a basic need for a human being. The right to education is recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We get education until we die.

Climate Change and the Future of Mankind

Since the beginning of mankind, humans tried to master the environment around them. Now thousands of years later in the 21st century it seems that the humans have finally conquered the Mother Nature

Online Life; Is it safe?

Information and communication technology helps man to connect to one another in every aspect of life today from financial transactions to meeting friends. This interlinked world may appear to be fast and convenient but have we ever wondered whether our privacy and safety is ensured in it?

Showing posts with label cyberspace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cyberspace. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Online Life; Is it safe?

It is true to say that we now live in a global village thanks to enhanced communication links, powerful computers and the internet. Information and communication technology helps man to connect to one another in every aspect of life today from financial transactions to meeting friends. This interlinked world may appear to be fast and convenient but have we ever wondered whether our privacy and safety is ensured in it?

Although computer technology was prevailing since 1930s, first real collaboration and data sharing among computers appeared with the development of ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) for United States Department of Defense. That along with the World Wide Web which is a set of interlinked documents allows data sharing and collaboration from anywhere in the world at any time. Now most of the personal computers can access the internet and there are powerful computers such as datacenters and internet servers which stores data and facilitate running various applications in the internet.

It is not wrong to say that the global economy and production systems running in the internet. Dependence of interlinked computers are extended from universities and a handful of global multinationals to governments agencies, SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprise), industries as well as military establishments. With the centralized data management and sharing system through internet, people no longer need to keep redundant data. They can access and manipulate their data from any location as long as they are able to hook up to the internet. It acts as a large cloud storing all the data and sometimes programs to manipulate data as well. We call them web applications.

Most of the big companies today, no longer put their data in to public networks. They have their own mini networks called intranets. They can be accessed typically by personnel from that particular organization only. The military and financial institutions have extensive use of these types of networks. Most of the time, a hybrid of public and private network is used by organizations because they need a network that can be accessed by both the insiders and outsiders of their organization on certain conditions. With business to business communication increasing, demand for above hybrid networks is very high.

Getting networked is an easy way to do all sorts of work remotely. It is a platform to share ideas and to collaborate (This is the new buzzword in the 21st century). With social networks extending friend base, modern man is very different to what he was before the internet era. Now there are professional networks as well, most notably the networking website ‘linkedin’ which has a user base over 277 million as of 2014. Human face to face interaction is getting replaced with online communities, social networking sites and video conferencing via internet.

Although we get tons of benefits from the new connected word, very little is known about its vulnerabilities. Most of us don’t know the fact that the computers and network links are not impenetrable and the data in those big datacenters in which the internet resides can be stolen, lost or taken by the government for various reasons stripping your privacy.

Stealing confidential data is not a new phenomenon for internet. Hacking (in its simple form; unauthorized access to data in a computer) is happening worldwide at an alarming rate ranging from accessing a computer just for a challenge to crippling a whole corporate or government network. You should not be surprised when you see your bank details and other personal information gone in to a wrong hand despite of the security measures you and your bank have taken.

Cyber terrorism is the new frontier in modern asymmetric warfare. This new breed of terrorists are not armed to the teeth with guns, or wear suicide bombs but professionals who can get control of a secured network and use it for sinister purposes. Networks most vulnerable to cyber attacks are military communication networks, utility control networks such as nuclear power plant controlling systems, oil and gas distribution systems, airline control systems etc. This growing threat gives a disturbing possibility of bringing a might nation to its knees by a handful of computer hackers.

Loss of privacy is the next major disadvantage of internet. Computer can be a really good spy device. If someone can tap in to your computer without your knowledge, all the private information from your bank accounts to your private photos can be stolen. Social networks such as facebook, twitter and google plus may store even your most personal details. We assume that with the privacy settings set correctly, no unauthorized personnel can get in to our sensitive information but computer hackers as well as government security agencies sometimes tap in to the vast pool of social network data. Of course, the government may do that in the name of ‘National Security’ as the whistle-blower Edward Snowden disclosed. United States National Security Agency (NSA) was spying on US citizens, foreigners as well as foreign governments. NSA’s global surveillance apparatus has its claws on profiles on social networks to map the social connections [1].

Sometimes people may put even the most personal details in the internet such as their relationship state, family details, intimate photographs etc. They do not hesitate to even post their personal or family problems in social networking sites for the whole world to see. It is a well know fact that social networking sites contribute to collapsing of many families and we can’t ignore their effect on cultural norms and social values especially in a conservative country Sri Lanka.

Internet is growing and getting complex every day so are the internet related problems. When authorities are talking measures against ill-use of internet and other related networks, hackers are talking counter-measures to slip through. The major problem is the lack of authority over internet. It is on its own so there is virtually no one to centrally monitor its behavior. The only thing we can do is to take extensive safety measures when using internet. We should be extremely conscious when we share our personal information in social networking sites. Make sure the safety is 100% ensured in online financial transactions.

This new connected world is like a chained beast. We should get to know a way to harness the power of this enormous creature for our benefit without being a victim of his wrath. If all the countries get together and create a universal governing protocol for internet and other interlinked computer networks, we will be able to make online collaboration much more safe, beneficial and productive.

[1] James Risen & Laura Poitras, N.S.A. Gathers Data on Social Connections of U.S. Citizens, The New York Times, Sept. 28, 2013, at A1.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Cyber World, Its Future and Challenges

The world has become a global village. With the emergence of the Word Wide Web and Internet, information has become an essential commodity for humans like food, water and shelter. People collaborate like never before making way to a digital revolution. Computers and communication devices are getting smaller and more powerful. General notion that a computer is a lager device which is to be stored in a large room has long been gone. Today's ubiquitous computers and mobile phones (now we call them smartphones) have become a part of human body. Communication between those devices themselves outsmarted human collaboration.

Computing power, development in communication technology and internet created a parallel word; a society withing the large human society. We call that "Cyberspace". Cyberspace is a virtual community consisting of people connected to the internet. Internet is noting but a set of computing devices connected together by communication media so it is not wrong to say that the Cyberspace is filled with people who operates the above devices. Note them as cyber-community just for the reference. There are collaborating places for the cyber community starting from internet chat rooms and forums. Cyberspace collaboration reached its pinnacle with the introduction of social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google Plus and so on. Facebook in particular is the largest online community in the world. The fact that one in 7 persons in the word being its member shows how popular social networking is.

To live in the online world, a person needs a new online personality but it doesn't need to do an exact copy of his/her real life. Anonymity is guaranteed in cyberspace up to some extent so one can create a brand new personality just for being in the cyberspace. Most people have entirely different personalities ranging from using aliases for names to changing their behavior and even gender. For example a shy and fearful mama's child can become an internet hero. A person who can't even look at girls in the real life can acts as a playboy in the internet or a virgin in real life can even have cyber-sex.

We may sometimes face with question of what will happen to the alleged cyber personality when a person die for real. The person will be physically dead but his/her cyberspace personality may remain. Cyberspace personality is always linked with an online account for which only the owner has access to so no one can access to that account making the online personality freeze in time as a memory to the dead person. It is obvious that those cyber personalities of dead people always cause problems. Online bank accounts and other internet money related accounts may create legal problems. Intellectual property rights issues are common for online content because of the lack of legal framework for cyberspace content. Many social and ethical problems arise when dealing with a dead person's social networking accounts. A third party can hack into a dead person's account and control it. Imagine receiving a Facebook message from your brother who is already dead for couple of years. It may give an unimaginable trauma for you and your family members.

Some social networks hand over the control of a dead person's account to his/her relatives upon a court order but this varies from country to country. Law relating to cyberspace is still in its infancy. Although laws against cyber crimes are strong, the lack of legal framework covering the entire cyberspace and information sharing is a daunting  problem. In developing countries this problem is severe but the irony is that those are the countries which has a rapid expansion of cyber community.

It is not easy to develop a universal law applying to all the aspects of cyber community ranging from internet monetary transactions to digital intellectual property rights and social networking conduct. Giving legal recognition to cyber personalities and linking them with their real persons may sound controversial but we have to take bold decisions and innovative strategies to keep our foothold in this vast and rapidly changing cyber front.