Social media as the engine of revolution
The concept of social media started when humans begin to communicate. They express their ideas in cave paintings and ancient stone scripts.
The Plight of Modern Family; Gender Equality and contemporary changes
The human society is comprised of men and women. The society has given specific roles based on the gender which has now changed dramatically.
Sri Lankan Education System Needs an Overhaul
Education is a basic need for a human being. The right to education is recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We get education until we die.
Climate Change and the Future of Mankind
Since the beginning of mankind, humans tried to master the environment around them. Now thousands of years later in the 21st century it seems that the humans have finally conquered the Mother Nature
Online Life; Is it safe?
Information and communication technology helps man to connect to one another in every aspect of life today from financial transactions to meeting friends. This interlinked world may appear to be fast and convenient but have we ever wondered whether our privacy and safety is ensured in it?